Kennedy - 'I want some Pez mom'
Me - 'No candy, eat your supper and if you do well then we'll talk about it after supper.'
Kennedy didn't so so hot at eating her supper so the answer was no candy. As I sat on the couch feeding Marissa she kept asking over and over for candy while she held it in her hand. I continued to say no and that typically works and she gives up. Last night it got unusually quiet and so I called out for Kennedy. No answer. Again, I called out asking where she was. No answer. At that point I knew she was sitting somewhere scrambling to the open the candy, eat it and come back in the room like nothing happened. This was her first sneaky and devious move. It was bound to happen at some point I guess.
Finally she came into the room empty handed. I asked her where she was and what she was doing. With no eye contact and a quiet voice she said 'nothing' and stared at the floor. I asked her to show me her tongue and teeth because if she was eating candy her tongue would be pink and there would be candy in her teeth. Busted! We had a 'talk' about the candy. I said she needed to go find the candy and throw it all in the garbage and she would need a punishment for not listening to mom. Simply throwing the candy away seemed good enough as she was totally compliant knowing she did the wrong thing.
As she ate breakfast this morning she reminded me that she didn't know yet what her punishment was going to be. What a kid! I had to jog my memory to remember what she got in trouble for...the candy, of course! I told her the punishment was throwing it away and I was disappointed she didn't listen to me.
Ten minutes later I came back in the kitchen to clean her up and get her dressed. Her Life cereal was all gone and she at all her strawberries.
Kennedy - 'Mom, can I have some Pez now? I ate a good breakfast.'
As I sipped my coffee on the way to work Kennedy snacked on her Pez in the backseat. The little stinker.
BTW - have you eaten Pez candy as an adult? Yuck!