Sunday, December 5, 2010

At least I was ambitious.

We had a good weekend!  Kennedy spent extra time with Russ and Lori Friday night (no little sister to steal her thunder) at dinner and driving around looking at Christmas lights.  Marissa and I managed to stay busy and met a couple friends at a little craft boutique.  Well, it wasn't so little since the boutique was spread throughout a $1.5 million dollar house.  That was the first and last time I'll spend two hours in that kind of a house.  A family wouldn't even run into each other during the course of a day in a house that big.  I must admit my favorite part was the mud room.  It was the size of my kitchen and dining area put together with cubbies and cupboards all over the place! 
We met another Army wife at a different holiday craft show Saturday then followed it up with play dates.  Stay busy.  That's my plan. 
Our day was full of ambition but now I'm staring at a lot of unfinished projects.  Christmas tree 3/4 of the way up with half that many lights.  Kennedy asked why our tree wasn't big all the way to the top.  I told her it would finish growing over night and to check back in the morning.  Cut out sugar cookie dough is mixed and chilled but won't get rolled, cut and baked until tomorrow night.  I hope tomorrow night at least.  I was able to accomplish my meals for the next week; thank God for a crock pot and a freezer.  Oh, and a babysitter so I could run to HyVee and storage to get all the holiday decorations!  Bring on Monday.  One week down and 51 to go. 

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