Thursday, April 28, 2011

Preschool Conference

I had Kennedy's spring preschool conference yesterday and she has progressed since the one last fall.  Our little lady can count to 39 and recognizes all the capital letters.  She can identify about three quarters of the lower case letters and has mastered shapes and colors.  It's amazing to me how grown up she is becoming.  I've said before how thankful I am for her adult-like conversations around the house and her pure enthusiasm for everything.  That was echoed by her teachers as well.  Kennedy tends to play alone but doing activities that have a lot of children around.  They said her favorite play stations include the dress-up area, lego table, puzzle and reading areas and music.  Mrs. Englert said when they get out the musical instruments Kennedy can't contain her excitement. 
On a day they were learning the number three Mrs. Hankins had the kids break into small groups of three.  They were told each group would take turns picking three items in the classroom then bring them to Mrs. Hankins and talk about the number.  Kennedy sat there intently watching the process.  She then stood up, grabbed three bears and walked over to Mrs. Hankins and said "here's my three bears, can I just go play now?"  Mrs. Hankins said all she could do was giggle.  Why would Kennedy just sit there waiting when she clearly understood the expectation and what to do in order to finish and then go back to playing.  Mrs. Hankins said she'll be a sales person's worst nightmare.  That's our girl!
We've signed her up for the four/five year-old class next year which is three days per week but still 9am - 11:15am.  She can't wait!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Lately it's been rough.  I don't know if I'm starting to let my guard down a little more because Chris's two week R&R is actually within reach now or if it's just a little pothole in the road of deployment.  I am feeling less in control of my emotions and indulge in moments of a Running family pity party every so often.  I don't feel like I'm giving the girls enough attention and/or equal attention and they are missing out on how it should be at home with two parents.  We stick to our schedule and they don't know the difference but I do.  About forty more days until Chris leaves Afghanistan for his R&R but who's counting...

Enough about that and let's talk about the fun times we are having around here!
 Marissa had diaper rash so she borrowed some of Kennedy's panties and they fit!  Oh, and she peed on the carpet.  I was too busy giggling at how cute she was in panties I didn't get a towel for her to lay on fast enough!
 If I was a gambler I'd bet that little sister will be bigger than big sister some day.
 Playing in the laundry baskets
 She makes this face and then breaths loud and fast out of her nose.  It's priceless.
 Day trip to Lincoln to visit Jenny and her kids.  Marissa hung in the stroller at the park.
Burying her hands and feet!

Our first dinner on the deck this spring!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rollin' - Rollin' - Rollin'

She's rolled over....!  I went to check on Marissa before going to bed and she was on her tummy.  It's about time.  Of course I didn't witness the actual rolling over part but I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity moving forward.

Before I know it our baby will be on the move!  Yikes.

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Did you know I'm a great gurgler?"

Kennedy says something everyday that either makes me laugh out loud or simply smile and feel so proud to be her mom.  Her latest excitement is the ability to gurgle.  We went to Lincoln to visit Jenny and her kids yesterday and as we walked to the park she looked over at Jenny and said, "did you know I'm a great gurgler?"  She's also mastered the art of skipping so rather than walk to the car or down the hall she skips.  She skips everywhere.

Marissa has some bragging rights as well.  She can do 'SO BIG' and is starting to reach out and scoot a little on her buns.  No rolling over officially but she's starting to show interest in moving around.  Frankly, I'm in no hurry for her to be mobile.  I do know she will follow Kennedy everywhere once she is able to move!