Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Lately it's been rough.  I don't know if I'm starting to let my guard down a little more because Chris's two week R&R is actually within reach now or if it's just a little pothole in the road of deployment.  I am feeling less in control of my emotions and indulge in moments of a Running family pity party every so often.  I don't feel like I'm giving the girls enough attention and/or equal attention and they are missing out on how it should be at home with two parents.  We stick to our schedule and they don't know the difference but I do.  About forty more days until Chris leaves Afghanistan for his R&R but who's counting...

Enough about that and let's talk about the fun times we are having around here!
 Marissa had diaper rash so she borrowed some of Kennedy's panties and they fit!  Oh, and she peed on the carpet.  I was too busy giggling at how cute she was in panties I didn't get a towel for her to lay on fast enough!
 If I was a gambler I'd bet that little sister will be bigger than big sister some day.
 Playing in the laundry baskets
 She makes this face and then breaths loud and fast out of her nose.  It's priceless.
 Day trip to Lincoln to visit Jenny and her kids.  Marissa hung in the stroller at the park.
Burying her hands and feet!

Our first dinner on the deck this spring!

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