Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Marissa!

Wow.  One year has come and gone already and our baby is not just a baby any longer.  She's closing in on toddler.  She's pulling up on everything, throws things, loves to dip in Lilly's water dish then lick her hands (gross, I know), points at all sorts of stuff waiting for you to tell her what it is, she sleeps GREAT, naps well, enjoys eating food (especially noodles, smoked turkey and bananas), dips her face in the bath water then giggles, loves her sister, Kennedy and anything she does, wishes she could play in the toilet water, pseudo signs 'all done' when finished eating (rather than hands in the air she lightly pounds her chest to indicate she's done eating), waves good night and hello, says 'dat' for dad, 'mom' and 'dock' for dog.  At night before going in her crib she lays her head on my shoulder and we sway together.  Just when it's time to lay her down she points first at the flowers on the wall waiting for me to say flower, points at her pig, bunny and radio all waiting for a response.  It's an every night routine...most nights at least unless she is just too exhausted.  She wakes up happy and smiling every morning.  We are so very lucky.

On Marissa's actual birthday we celebrated with cupcakes and our friends next door.  The little girls all had a cupcake and candle.  Marissa did great but didn't make much mess.  She did a whole lot better at her party with the chocolate frosting and I had to rinse her body in the bathroom sink.

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