Wednesday, June 29, 2011


"I will get back in my single mom routine, I will get back in my single mom routine,  I will get back in my single mom routine"  Isn't it true when you say something three times while clicking your heels it will come true?  The two weeks with Chris back home was perfect.  Although that isn't reality all the time and I know it won't be perfect when he's home for good I do know that we all need each other.  Kennedy is a daddy's girl and she was elated with the time they had together.  Marissa warmed up to him right away and he got a taste of her little personality.  As for me.  I felt whole and was so grateful for an additional adult under the roof.  Our relationship bond and ability to communicate has come so far since we were young, dumb and dating and since we got married.  Chris and I are like wine and cheese.  We seem to get finer with age :)

I look forward to watching the girls nurture their relationship and have FUN together!  Here they are being silly through the glass door.  

 Kennedy and I at the zoo...I need to make more time for just the two of us.  She knows we're short someone at home and has to be far more responsible than a three year-old should be.  

Friday, June 17, 2011

Chris and Shannon went to KC....

Well, Chris's two week R&R came and went SO quickly.  I have yet to actually post some of the fun stories and pictures from our fantastic two weeks.  Stay tuned....but in the mean time I do have one picture from our four day trip to KC while Chris was home.  This is it...this is all I have sadly (although it cracks me up). 

Here is Chris and his first taste of a cold beer since December.  I'd like to say that huge grin is for his pure joy of being away with his wife but I'm certain it was the Guinness.